February 17 | 0 COMMENTS

Young Glaswegians reach for The Summit of their Faith
Amanda Connelly
YOUNG people from across Glasgow Archdiocese joined together for an afternoon of fun and Faith at the launch of a new monthly event designed to support young people on their spiritual journey by meeting other young Catholics.
‘The Summit,’ a monthly event aimed at senior pupils across the diocese, got underway on February 12 with participants from five different Glasgow high schools. The event sees the participants taking part in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the ‘source and summit of Christian life,’ and is a response to Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow’s wish for a monthly youth Mass. The young people gathered at Blessed John Duns Scotus Church, Glasgow, and participated in a number of icebreaker sessions to get to know one another, before splitting into two age groups: S1-3 and S4-6.
The younger group were lead in a talk, games, prayer and a workshop by the youth team at Our Holy Redeemer and St Margaret’s, while the older group listened to a talk delivered by Glasgow University Chaplain Fr Ross Campbell on ‘the Person of Jesus,’ followed by Blessed Sacrament Adoration lead by the Nightfever Glasgow group.
The young people joined together once more to celebrate Mass with Archbishop Tartaglia and director of RCAG Youth Fr John Sweeney, after which they enjoyed some pizza and games of Jenga. A number of the young people later commented on the social and a spiritual enjoyment they got from the event.
“I really liked the event as I got to talk to and meet new people,” one third year pupil said, while another student in S1 noted how it had deepened their relationship with God. “The event impacted my relationship with God as it made me realise I should talk to Him more so that I can become closer to Him,” he said.
The Summit will continue to take place on the second Sunday of the month, with the next event on March 12 in Blessed John Duns Scotus once more featuring Mass with the Archbishop if available and talks, workshops, social activities and food.
The dates for the next three events are March 12, May 14 and June 11, with no event on April 9 due to this being Palm Sunday, which will instead see a bus put on to a Catholic Youth Service Scotland Palm Sunday event in Perth.