November 4 2011 | 0 COMMENTS

St Augustine’s High celebrates feast day of patron saint
Publication Date: 2011-11-04
Cardinal Keith O’Brien joined pupils and staff at St Augustine’s High School in Edinburgh as they celebrated the feast of their patron saint.
The school community gathered together as the cardinal concelebrated Mass along with school chaplain Mgr Tony Duffy and local priests Fr Tony Quinlan and Fr George Suszko, with pupils participating throughout the liturgy.
As well as commemorating the feast day of St Augustine, the Mass also marked the first use by pupils of the school’s Candle Tree. The Candle Tree was commissioned by the Former Pupils Association of Holy Cross Academy, one of the two schools which joined in 1969 to form St Augustine’s High School, and now stands proudly in the school’s foyer. The candles on the tree were lit for the first time by head girl Katie Alden, while pupils Molly Loftus and Martha McLean read the Prayers of Intercession, reminding pupils that they are called to be Christ’s Light. Head Teacher Terry McNamee told The Scottish Catholic Observer: “The theme of our Mass, on the feast of our patron saint, was simply to remind the pupils to take on the Pope’s message, to be “saints of the 21st century.” Among the other pupils taking part in the liturgy were pupils from S2 who performed a dance as part of the offertory procession, bearing the crosses symbolising each of the school’s five houses; St Bede, St John, St Ninian, St Columba and St Magnus.