BY Dan McGinty | November 4 2011 | 0 COMMENTS

Time to get creative for the SCO Christmas competition
Publication Date: 2011-11-04
Budding artists and poets once again have the chance to showcase their talents with the launch of the SCO’s annual art and poetry Christmas competition for children of primary and secondary school age.
The competition is a great way to prepare for Christmas and for young school children to share their interpretation of the Christmas story. The competition has proved popular in recent years, with young people of all ages submitting their efforts in the hope of being published in the Christmas edition of the paper, or even of winning the prize competition and being showcased in the first edition of the New Year.
The SCO is looking for visual art entries and poems. The competition is split into two age categories, one for those of primary school age and another for secondary students, with a range of great prizes up for grabs. In previous years many schools across the country have organised entries, taking advantage of the chance to reinforce the religious meaning of Christmas to pupils, but the competition is also open to individual entries. All you need is your creativity and some Christmas spirit!
Entries of both Christmas poetry or art should be sent to the SCO offices, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 6BT marked ‘Christmas competition’ before the competition closes on Friday December 2. Entries should be sent along with the child’s name, age, school or parish and address (school or home). Normal competition rules apply, and the editor’s decision is final.