November 19 | 3 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: You hold a life in your hands
US couple's abortion ballot causes uproar
Either it is a damning statement on the immorality of western society—and on how cheap life has become—or the best pro-life campaign ever invented.
You decide.
Yes you.
Pete, born a Catholic, and Alisha Arnold, a married couple from Minneapolis, Minnesota, are holding an online ballot to let strangers choose whether or not they abort their 17 week unborn son.
The couple, who both work in IT, are both 30 and unsure of their suitability to be parents.
Voters have until December 7 to decide, when the pregnancy reaches the 20 week abortion limit in Minnesota.
Reality and the cult of celebrity gone mad or a clever ruse?
—Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer newspaper’s blog
They really should have considered their suitability to be parents BEFORE deciding to engage in life-creating intercourse. And Pete is Catholic? Perhaps he should sit down with his priest to discuss his options…NOT creating an online poll.
Absolutely no to abortion – Life is precious, from the womb to the tomb!
How low can society get when they have an online ballot to let an innocent baby live or die! Despicable!
Please don’t abort your child. This baby will grow up to be a beautiful person full of life that loves you for your decision to do the right thing in God’s Eyes.
If you feel you are not ready to be parents there are other choices.
Adoption is a beautiful option. There are so many couples in the world who can’t have children. I am one of them.