November 4 2011 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Friday breaking news
Publication Date: 2011-11-04
The latest Catholic news from Scotland and around the world
Scotland’s opposition parties ‘cannot back’ bigots bill, in spite of call from SNP’s Roseanna Cunningham (above) for ‘common purpose’ on the anti-sectarian football legislation.
Councillors in Glasgow vote in favour of redefining marriage.
The Westminster Government has announced plans to remove legal barriers to civil partnership ceremonies in religious premises such as churches from Dec 5.
Cardinal Sean Brady has indicated his ‘profound disappointment’ at the closure of the Irish embassy in the Vatican.
Closure of Vatican Embassy is due to cost, not Cloyne report, says Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Eamon Gilmore.
Society of St Pius X leaders agree that a ‘doctrinal preamble’ presented by the Vatican is ‘clearly unacceptable,’ according to the district superior of the society in Britain.
Vatican’s financial document has been supported by Anglican Church leader Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, who backs ‘Robin Hood Tax.’ (Video).
Gotti Tedeschi, Vatican banker, tells G20 leaders to pray.
Cardinal electors at 112 after Cardinal Law of Boston turns 80. (Video).
Pope Benedict XVI yesterday reflected on the three days that Changed the world while honouring the cardinals and bishops who have died in the past twelve months.
Polish monk Fr Piotr Chyla on threatened flight thanks God, pilot.
Hundreds of Mexicans and Americans joined their bishops for the Mass on the border.