BY Ian Dunn | April 11 2011 | 0 COMMENTS

Stop climate change with a click
Publication Date: 2011-04-11
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland to put the issues to the main Scottish Political parties online on Wednesday
Justice and Peace Scotland is backing an online debate on climate change sponsored by Stop Climate Chaos Scotland.
The debate takes place on Wednesday from 7.30-9pm. Anyone who is interested can watch and pose questions to the panellists at
Former BBC journalist Alan McKay will chair the debate and he will be joined by Sarah Boyack of the Scottish Labour party, Patrick Harvie of the Scottish Greens, Iain McGill of the Scottish Conservatives, Shirley-Anne Somerville of the Scottish National Party and Mike Crockart MP of the Scottish Liberal Democrats.
For those who are less internet-savvy, the organisers have produced a simple, step-by-step guide on how to watch and take part ‘virtually’ in the debate, available at