This week’s editorial leader
This week’s editorial leader
Scotland: A modern, progressive and liberal democracy. Those who would market our nation to the world would dearly like to wrap us up in a neat package with a bow to hide inconvenient debate and controversy from prying eyes. But there is a word in that advertising slogan that must... read more
This week’s editorial leader
A young, inquisitive Catholic primary school pupil once asked her parents if she could attend Sunday School with her Church of Scotland friend instead of Mass with her family. When asked why she replied openly that ‘well, they get to ask questions at Sunday School.’ There is a widely and commonly... read more
This week’s editorial leader
As expected, attempts to whip up a storm of controversy over the discussion of pastoral care for the family has already started and the Synod of the Family is not even a week old. The flawed concept, within and out with the Church, that the Catholic doctrine could or even... read more
This week’s editorial leader
“There are all sorts of different families… But if there’s love, dear... those are the ties that bind, and you’ll have a family in your heart, forever.” This line from the 1993 US film Mrs Doubtfire, although heartfelt, was a clear example of liberal Hollywood attempting to redefine the definition and... read more
This week’s editorial leader
Long after the headlines and the heartbreaking images have faded, after politicians have moved onto the next pressing issue, people of goodwill will strive to help and support refugees. The truth is the refugees crisis currently at the forefront of our minds is always with us, it has and will... read more
This week’s editorial leader
There was a great deal of speculation and controversy surrounding the extraordinary synod on the family last year and it seemed the secular press were determined to use this internal forum of frank and open discussion within the Church as a catalyst to fan the flames of potential schism regardless... read more
This week’s editorial leader
Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me. These words keep going round and round this week. Often the SCO reports on news that directly impacts us all. This week stories of individual courage prevail, yet we can all take something from them if we... read more
This week’s editorial leader
The McLellan Commission was tasked with carrying out an independent review of abuse handling within our Church and its chairman—Dr Andrew McLellan, a former Church of Scotland Moderator and a former head of HMI prison inspectorate—was ‘deeply distressed by the depth of cruelty and wickedness of some of the stories... read more
This week’s editorial leader
When the push towards the Canonisation of a Scot is lead by the Venerable’s God-daughter then we realise just how recently the person in question walked among us. This is the case with the Venerable Margaret Sinclair, whose God-daughter recently spent time with Archbishop Leo Cushley of St Andrews and Edinburgh... read more
This week’s editorial leader
News that a Polish priest in Motherwell has secured a visit to Scotland of a relic of St John Paul II is exciting and likely to exceed even Fr Krzysztof Garwolinski’s expectations. The priest in Motherwell Diocese has been honoured by Cardinal Dziwisz (Archbishop of Krakow) who is allowing a... read more
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