BY Ryan McDougall | February 1 | 0 COMMENTS

Coming together for Mass is one of the most enriching experiences in school life, says St Fillan’s Primary head
Coming together for Mass is one of the most enriching experiences in school life, the headteacher of a Glasgow primary has said, following the feast day celebration of the school’s saint.
Brian Bourke, headteacher of St Fillan’s Primary, Cathcart, spoke after the feast day, which is on January 19 but was celebrated at the school on January 24 due to it falling on a weekend this year.
Mr Bourke said St Fillan ‘plays a prominent role in our ethos and values as a school,’ adding that his pupils and staff all follow his example, and that they regularly pray to St Fillan at school Masses.
In honour of the saint, the school unveiled a brand new banner at the Mass which depicts the saint and boasts the school’s bright colours.
“The coming together for Mass is generally one of the most spiritually enriching experiences in the school,” Mr Bourke added.
“To see what was earlier a dinner hall, bustling and full of life, full of energy, then they come into the same area later and it becomes our place of refuge, our church, —the children really respond to it well.”
The pupils and staff follow the Gospel and their saint’s example, Mr Bourke added, commenting on the ‘nurturing ethos’ shown by the P7 pupils who help to guide the younger pupils through their school years.
“That idea that they are looking after each other as a school, as a community, is hugely important to them. It’s good to see them do that,” Mr Bourke said.
“I’m very proud of St Fillan’s. I’ve only been in this post since the start of the academic year, so it’s great to see.
“There’s a very strong spiritual Faith in the school and you can see it not just in the teachers and pupils but the office staff, the janitors and support staff who all contribute to the Faith at Mass.”
St Fillan’s life is largely shrouded in mystery. He was a monk in his youth and moved from Ireland to Scotland with his mother, St Kentigerna, where he became renowned for many miracles, which the school celebrates.
Commenting on their annual feast, Mr Bourke concluded: “It’s always a great day. Obviously I’m massively biased as it’s my school, but there is a really tangible feeling of care and respect at the school.”