February 23 | 0 COMMENTS

‘Bright future’ for youth work after ministers come together
A group of 50 youth ministers gathered in Inverness and Aberdeen on January 26-27 to discuss the importance of building a balanced programme for youth ministry.
Hosted by the Ogilvie Centre for the New Evangelisation and Catechesis of Aberdeen Diocese, the talks were led by Erin Doughty, a youth minister from Birmingham Archdiocese. The youth ministers gathered at Kilcoy Castle near Inverness, and at St Mary’s Cathedral in Aberdeen.
They spoke about how to address tough doctrinal and moral topics with inquiring teens, and learned how to organise successful youth group meetings and Masses. They were also made aware of models of youth ministry and programmes that are available.
The youth ministers also gained a sense of community and support in their work as they met with peers from all over Scotland.
Sr Anna Christi, who organised the events, said: “So many of the youth ministers expressed their appreciation for being able to come together and see that they are not alone in their desire to help young people feel they belong in the Church.
“It was exciting to see pastoral areas and deaneries discussing this work and planning for future work. There is a bright hope for the future of youth work here in Scotland.”