September 8 | 0 COMMENTS

Mini Vinnies make big impact with food bank
Two young Kilmarnock parishioners used their well-earned school holidays to help those who are hungry and in need, as they set up a church food bank for their first Mini Vinnies project. —By AMANDA CONNELLY
Brother and sister Amelie and Joseph Davidson, of St Joseph’s Church, devoted their time to organising a food bank in their parish community, amassing 1,400 items as well as raising £260 in cash.
They are founding members of the parish’s Mini Vinnies groups, which was recently established in addition to St Joseph’s thriving Society of St Vincent de Paul group.
The group collected food throughout July, and Amelie noted they were overwhelmed by the ‘generosity, kindness and encouragement’ given by parishioners.
“It was wonderful to see how everyone in our church came together to help us—whether it was by donating, carrying the bags of food to the church hall, or helping us to unpack and fill the shelves,” she said.
“We also met some of the recipients of the food parcels who were very grateful for the greater variety of foods now on offer to them.”
The money raised will be used to buy more food once supplies begin to run out. The group collected a range of foods as well as toiletries.
“Our St Vincent de Paul society is 150 years old in 2019 in the parish, and we’re always looking at ways to strengthen its membership and to keep the St Vincent de Paul tradition going,” parish priest Fr Stephen McGrattan said. “The Mini Vinnies are a way to encourage young people to think about the mission of St Vincent de Paul, to look for needs in the community, and to come up with their own ideas to reach out and help others.”
Amelie said giving to others was not just about donating but about ‘making a difference.’
“We can’t help everyone who is hungry—but everyone can help someone,” she said.
“If you can’t feed 100 people, then feed just one. Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much.”
The Mini Vinnies encourages children from P4-7 to get together to help those in need within their school, parish and local communities,
– Interested in setting up a Mini Vinnies group? Contact the SSVP on 0141 226 8833 or at [email protected].