August 25 | 0 COMMENTS

It’s a great big win for the Vin Tin Bin
—Members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul in Midlothian have rallied together to collect a fantastic total of 400 food tins to mark the 400th anniversary of the Vincentian charism
The group created a ‘Vin Tin Bin,’ the idea of Sr Kathleen Page, which was used to collect the items that can now be given out for distributions to the various branches of Vincentian groups, for use by those most in need.
The project involved Vincentians from Sacred Heart Church in Penicuik, St Joseph’s Church, also in Penicuik, and St David’s Church in Dalkeith, as well as the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul.
The fundraising culminated with a Mass held on Saturday June 17 in St Matthew’s Church, Rosewell, celebrated by Fr Paul Roche, the spiritual director to the Daughters of Charity, along with other members of local clergy (right).
The tins that had been collected by schools in the area were on display for all the congregation to see in the church, before being blessed and symbolically sent out in the name of the family.
“It was a great celebration; a true bringing together of the community,” Sr Kathleen Page, a member of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, said. “People are still talking about the event, and the Vin Tin Bin is still in circulation.”
Matt Meade from the Society of St Vincent de Paul Scotland said: “This was a simple family celebration through which we realised the joy of our shared heritage and the strength of collaboration.
“New seeds have been sown for future work with local schools and there was a great sense of achievement for members of the planning group who had all shared in the planning and organising of this event.”
It was an ‘uplifting event that brought the community together in celebration and organised charity,’ he added.