May 26 | 0 COMMENTS

Headteachers launch new Confirmation resource
Deputy heads from across Scotland joined together last week with the aim of developing the higher gifts in young Catholics.
A NEW Sacrament of Confirmation programme has been given the thumbs-up by headteachers as preparations are made to roll it out in primary schools across Glasgow Archdiocese.
The programme, in which new resources will be introduced for teachers, parishes and families to use, was launched at the Archdiocesan Primary Head Teachers Association (APHTA) conference on Friday, May 12.
“We’ve created material for the parish, home and school, so what I presented on Friday was the classroom material to headteachers,” Joanna Sweeney, primary RE adviser for Glasgow Archdiocese, said.
Mary Lappin from Glasgow University presented on the theology of the Sacrament of Confirmation to the headteachers present while Fr Joseph Lappin made a presentation on the new parish materials.
APHTA has been implementing the new resources with a small number of headteachers from the archdiocese, who gave their feedback at the conference, with this being mostly ‘positive.’ It will inform the final draft of the new programme. The next step will be for the programme to be finalised and rolled out across primary schools in the archdiocese, with appropriate training provided for teachers and catechists.