BY Daniel Harkins | August 5 | 0 COMMENTS

MOMENTS THAT WILL last a lifetime
When faith comes alive for countless thousands of like-minded young people, it makes for an unforgettable experience, as DANIEL HARKINS discovered among the Scottish pilgrims in Krakow
Scottish Catholics witnessed the faith come alive in Krakow as they joined the millions of young people on the World Youth Day pilgrimage.
“People say the faith is dying but you come to an event like World Youth Day and you see that there is millions of people here and it kind of makes you think,” 16-year-old Rebecca McFarlane from Motherwell Diocese said. “It’s such a great experience.”
Rebecca travelled out with the Gonzaga youth group, and along with fellow pilgrim Megan Curran, 20, raised hundreds of pounds before the trip and sponsored Mary’s Meals while in Krakow.
“I don’t know many Catholics back home,” Megan added. “It’s peaceful in a way—you can be open about your faith here.”
Rebecca said one of the highlights of her trip was seeing Pope Francis and she had good words to say about St Pope John Paul II—whose home diocese hosted WYD. “|It’s been amazing,” she said. “A great experience.”
Every diocese in Scotland was represented at WYD. The SCO caught up with an Edinburgh group as they wandered from pub to pub trying to catch a Celtic game. A number of the pilgrims had been to the 2011 Rio and the 2013 Madrid WYDs together. “Each one is different but they are all phenomenal in their own way,” Sean Grant said.
“The opening Mass was one of my highlights,” Roisin King said. “There must have been a million people there. It was amazing. At one point the whole place had a minute’s silence. That really strikes you; the silence and then noise. It’s strange but that’s what I always remember from WYD.”
Siobahn Holburn attended her first WYD with the Edinburgh group and enjoyed the experience enough she said she’s considering going to the next one.
Motherwell Diocese pilgrims Sarah McDonald, 17, Christopher McCann, 16, and Robert Meechan, 21, wandered the streets of Krakow’s Old Town with a Saltire, mingling with the pilgrims and flags from across the world.
The Scottish groups in particular seemed to attract the attention of other pilgrims and locals, an attraction boosted whenever a member was wearing a kilt.
“At the Mass in Błonia Park I was in the queue for communion and a woman came up and asked if I was wearing anything under my kilt!” Christopher said. “I said ‘no’. I was, though!”
Sarah said the musical performances—found on every corner in the city—had stood out for her, while Robert said for him it was the sheer openness of the people that he met. “You go about and just shake hands with people,” he said. “Nobody is closed off—nobody has rejected a handshake or anything.”
“The atmosphere at night in the main square is incredible,” Christopher said, referring to pilgrims’ habit of climbing on to the statue of Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz each night for a hundreds-strong singsong.
“I’m amazed how respectful each of the people from different countries are,” Robert said. “I’ve witnessed in the main square chants going on about Polska—but it was an American diocese, hundreds of them singing a Poland song.”
As the weary pilgrims left the closing Mass on Sunday, a thunderstorm hit the city, but there was no dampening the spirits of the millions of young Catholics who leave Krakow renewed and committed in their faith.
—This story ran in full in the August 5 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.