BY Daniel Harkins | November 27 | 0 COMMENTS

Kick-off of youth mission at St Patrick’s a hit
A new youth outreach programme in St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese got under way last weekend at St Patrick’s Church in Cowgate on the Solemnity of Christ the King.
The Youth Mission Team in the archdiocese is made up of young Catholics who are committed to their faith and parishes. The group have been receiving formation about evangelisation, studying Joy of the Gospel for the past year, and as a result felt called to witness to the joy of their faith.
Now formed as the Youth Mission Team, the group will travel to parishes they are invited to, offering liturgy that seeks to engage other young people their age and promote youth involvement in parishes and the wider Church.
In St Patrick’s, young people gathered for an evening of praise and worship led by Youth for Christ, the international group that share the Good News of Jesus—who performed some of their music—and attended Mass alongside regular St Patrick’s parishioners.
Fr Anthony Caruana, youth chaplain to St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese, said he was blessed with a number of young Catholics in the archdiocese who are committed to their parishes and to the faith.
“It has been a joy for me as the Youth Chaplain to journey with the Youth Mission Team as they’ve grown in their mission and to see them in action last Sunday; happily encouraging people their age to build God’s Kingdom through their words and example,” he said. “It was wonderful to see the Mission so well attended by groups and young Catholics from various parts our Archdiocese…
“I hope that any parish which wants to encourage their young people will see the value of what this new team is providing and get in touch.”
Fr Caruana is currently on retreat but can be contacted later at [email protected]
—This story ran in full in the December 6 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.