BY Daniel Harkins | October 9 | 0 COMMENTS

St Ninian’s High School in show of solidarity with persecuted Christians
St Ninian’s High School in Giffnock has become one of the latest schools to sign up to Aid to the Church in Need’s campaign to show solidarity with persecuted Christians around the world.
In total, 28 secondary schools across Scotland have signed up to the campaign that aims to educate school pupils about global citizenship, human rights and persecution.
Lorraine McMahon, head of operations in Scotland, and Michael Robinson, communications executive, visited St Ninian’s and spoke to the pupils about the charity’s work and S3 pupils led their younger counterparts in a service of solidarity.
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is a Pontifical Foundation of the Catholic Church, supporting the Catholic faithful and others where they are persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need.
The schools solidarity programme was officially launched with a youth rally in Carfin Grotto that saw more than 1000 pupils from Scotland’s Catholic schools gather to hear talks on persecution, and the causes of persecution, in the Middle East and Africa.
During the service at St Ninian’s, headteacher John Docherty encouraged the pupils to be earnest and committed in their support to ACN and said the charity’s work was ‘so important in a world where those holding religious belief are
regularly and actively persecuted.’
Lorraine McMahon, ACN’s head of operations in Scotland, said St Ninian’s ‘has been a friend and supporter of ACN for some time.’
“We look forward to providing opportunities for St Ninian’s and all of Scotland’s Catholic schools to pray, learn and take action for and in support of persecuted Christians,” she added.
Pictured above are headteacher John Docherty, head of second year Mr McGeehan, and Lorraine McMahon and Michael Robinson from ACN receiving a cheque for £500 from S2 pupils Sarah Holmes and Rhona Mowat.
—This story ran in full in the October 9 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.