August 21 | 0 COMMENTS

Evening of prayer ahead of National Youth Pilgrimage
Glasgow Archdiocese is hosting ‘an evening of praise and worship, witness, adoration and reconciliation’ on September 12 at 7pm in St Maria Goretti’s Church, Cranhill.
Featuring guest speaker Fr Thomas Cacciola CFR, a US priest and member of the Franciscan Friars of Renewal, ‘The Following’ offers a fresh perspective at religious life in the 21st century world.
And the event will provide a perfect preparatory experience for any young people set to attend the National Youth Pilgrimage to Nunraw Abbey, Haddington, which will take place the following day, September 13, carrying on the theme of the Year of Consecrated Life.
A free bus to Nunraw Abbey will leave St Maria Goretti’s Church at 9am, returning around 9pm.
The Catholic Youth Service Scotland event is open to anybody aged 11 to 25 and is described as an ‘opportunity to see a real monastery in action’ with young people from across Scotland set to make the pilgrimage journey.
— For more information contact the Archdiocese Youth Office on 0141 226 5898 or email [email protected]