May 7 | 0 COMMENTS

SPUC Scotland youth member to dive head first into fundraising endeavour
A fearless volunteer will jump head first from a bridge next week in order to help save the lives of unborn babies across the UK.
Chris Jones (above right) will spring into action in a sponsored bungee jump to raise money for a pro-life roadshow to take place later in the year.
A member of SPUC Scotland’s Project Truth youth group, Chris is hoping to raise £600 to hep fund the roadshow.
“At the end of last year, in a moment of madness, I agreed to jump off a bridge for the pro-life cause—thankfully I’ll be attached to something and hope to bounce back up!” Mr Jones said. “I’m doing this because the pro-life cause is something that I care very much about and because we are working hard to raise money for a fantastic event, which will help bring the pro-life message to thousands of people across Scotland.”
The Project Truth roadshow will visit six cities across Scotland where up to 30 volunteers from the UK and Ireland will spend several hours doing pro-life street outreach work. The projects aims to ‘bring the simple facts about the life and dignity of the unborn child to people’s attention.’
Mr Jones has already raised £145 towards his goal and is hoping he can contribute further to the £8000 total needed to fund the SPUC event, which will take place August 10-16.
— Chris’ bungee jump will take place on May 10 in Perthshire. Anyone wishing to sponsor him should email [email protected]