BY Martin Dunlop | December 13 | 0 COMMENTS

Local business backs Airdrie school’s Malawi work
St Margaret’s High School in Airdrie has received a significant boost after a local business pledged a large sum of money to its Malawi partnership project.
At the beginning of this month, representatives of Airdrie-based Gallagher Foods visited St Margaret’s to present a cheque for £2400 to the school, which will be used to provide emergency food aid to families suffering severe malnutrition during Malawi’s forthcoming wet season.
The catering company, and its friends and family members, are working in partnership with St Margaret’s to raise much-needed funds to support the desperate plight of the most vulnerable disabled children in the Mulanje South West district of Malawi.
St Margaret’s High School has an active partnership with Chisitu Community Day Secondary School and also supports a women’s farm project, orphanage, sports development for girls and more recently the disabled children project organised by North Lanarkshire Council, Healthy Lifestyle Project—Aiming Higher in Malawi.
Many of the disabled children and their carers, usually mothers who are the main providers, face daily challenges for survival.
Reflecting on the latest donation to the school—funds raised during a health walk organised by Rena and Jim Gallagher of Gallagher Foods—Denise Burke, St Margaret’s headteacher, said the school is ‘truly blessed to have Gallagher Foods, who are one of our longest and most respected stakeholders in this marvellous development.’
“St Margaret’s High places such a high value on our humanitarian health and education input to Malawi,” Ms Burke said. “The promotion of Global Citizenship, equality and diversity linked to wider achievement is at the forefront of St Margaret’s whole school development.”
Speaking on behalf of Gallagher Foods, Ms Gallagher said it is a ‘pleasure and honour’ to be part of such a ‘wonderful initiative’ with St Margaret’s.
“We are truly grateful to all our friends and family in raising this significant sum,” Ms Gallagher said.
“We know this money is going directly to such a worthwhile cause, on the ground, without any deductions for administration.”
—This story ran in full in the December 6 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.