BY Martin Dunlop | January 11 | 0 COMMENTS

John Ogilvie pupil makes the cut
— Generous S1 student Lucy McGranaghan raises £660 for cancer care with a charity haircut
A kind-hearted pupil from John Ogilvie High School in Hamilton has raised a fantastic sum of money for Yorkhill Children’s Foundation by having her long, flowing locks cut off.
Lucy McGranaghan, an S1 pupil, was keen to raise money in tribute to friends and family who have been struck down by cancer in the past.
Caring gesture
“My sister’s best friend, Michelle, died of cancer and my Nana also suffered from cancer 10 years ago so I just wanted to do something to show I care for young people who have to go through this,” Lucy said.
Therefore, on Monday December 17, Lucy’s hairdresser, Will Murray from DM Hair in Blantyre, came to the school and, in front of hundreds of Lucy’s school friends, cut her hair, which will now go to the making of a wig for a sick child in Yorkhill’s Sciehallion Ward.
“I was shaking so much before Will cut my hair but I am really glad I did it and I am so thrilled we have raised so much,” Lucy said afterwards.
Eddie Morrison, John Ogilvie headteacher, spoke on behalf of the whole school community in paying tribute to Lucy’s generosity.
“The school is immensely proud of Lucy and we thank all of the pupils who have supported her in this amazing initiative which helps to raise awareness among the pupils of the wonderful work done by the Schiehallion Ward at Yorkhill,” he said. “Some of her friends seemed more nervous than she was before she had her hair cut. They really admire her for this.”
Claire Hughes, a fundraising assistant from the Yorkhill Children’s Foundation, was delighted to visit John Ogilvie High School and collect a cheque for £660 from Lucy.
Lucy’s brother, Dominic, and her mum, Angela Handibode, were also on hand to join in with the presentation.