July 20 | 0 COMMENTS

Exciting opportunities lie ahead for young Catholics in Glasgow
Young people from Glasgow Archdiocese will have the opportunity to enjoy this year’s Olympic Games, when events come to their home city in the coming weeks.
As part of this year’s 2012 London Games, Glasgow’s Hampden Park stadium is hosting a selection of Olympic football matches, and the archdiocesan youth pastoral team has free tickets to give away to young people.
Tickets for a selection of men’s and women’s matches are still available for young people aged between 10-26 (under 18s must be accompanied by an adult, who can also attend free of charge) and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.
For further information on matches that tickets are available for email: youth.pastoral @btconnect.com.
Meanwhile, a call has also gone out for young Catholics in Glasgow to form a faith development group. A keen interest has been shown from young adults in the archdiocese to form a group for faith development and it is hoped this is a process that can be started off in the coming weeks and months. Those interested are asked to contact Fr Joseph Walsh at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Glasgow, on: 0141 204 2409 or email the parish office at: [email protected].