BY Martin Dunlop | June 15 | 0 COMMENTS

Pupils sing praises of charity
— St Angela’s Primary pupils help Mary’s Meals and Malawi with song
PRIMARY six pupils from a Catholic school in Glasgow have launched their very own song, which they hope will raise money for children in Malawi.
St Angela’s Primary School hosted a launch evening for the song Miles Apart at the end of last month, at which family and friends of the school community had the opportunity to hear the children perform the song live and have an exclusive preview of the accompanying video that has been recorded for the track.
All proceeds from sales of the song, which is on sale as a download from Amazon and iTunes, will go to the Scottish charity Mary’s Meals.
Brendan Duffy, St Angela’s headteacher, spoke of his pride for the school’s pupils in recording a song that they hope will enable 60 children in Malawi to be fed for a year.
“During RE lessons, the primary six pupils were learning about people we admire and they learned a little bit about a man named Magnus [MacFarlane-Barrow] who started a charity called Mary’s Meals,” Mr Duffy said. “It was then decided in music lessons to try and write a song for Mary’s Meals that we could sell. The youngsters learned about writing lyrics through poetry and as a class they made up a melody.
“As a school we are delighted with the result and it has been such an experience for everyone to take part in the recording process.
“Our aim is to see if we can raise as much money as possible for the charity. We feel that this is a very worthwhile cause because Mary’s Meals currently feed more than 600,000 children every day across the world.
“In Malawi it costs just £7 to feed a child for a year and our school wants to do everything that we can to help contribute towards this.”
Mary’s Meals education coordinator, Tony Begley, spoke of his excitement for the project and complimented St Angela’s pupils for their imaginative thinking.
“I recently visited the school and I was so impressed about the whole school approach—from working out how much it costs to feed a child in maths to writing the lyrics for the song in music,” Mr Begley said. “This has been an enriching learning experience for every young person involved and it is also lovely that it is children helping less fortunate children in Malawi.
“Mary’s Meals is delighted that the school chose our charity and we would like to thank everyone for their continued fundraising efforts.”
An additional £450 was raised for Mary’s Meals at the song’s launch evening, which was attended by representatives and students of North Glasgow College, who helped the St Angela’s pupils with the project and recorded the song with them.
— The song is now available to download from the below web address as well as from other digital retailers: