June 6 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news from home and abroad
Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Elgin abbot as the new bishop of Aberdeen Diocese, the Vatican announced on Saturday. Ordination will take place August 15.
Pope Benedict XVI’s homily for Sunday night vespers in Croatia at the tomb of Blessed Alojzije Viktor Stepinac.
Holy Father’s homily at the Holy Mass on the occasion of the National Day of Croatian Catholic Families.
Full text of Pope Benedict XVI’s discourse at a prayer vigil with Croatia’s young people at Josip Jelačić square in Zagreb.
Vatican representative to Libya warns against further attacks.
“Distressing as the last few months have been, these are not the memories that I will take away as I leave Caritas.” Lesley-Anne Knight’s farewell speech to Caritas Internationalis in full.
Franciscan Brothers, 92, end the lifelong way: as twins
Bishop Julian Porteous of Sydney, Australia, has slammed controversial Islamic billboards across Sydney with the slogans ‘Jesus: a prophet of Islam’ as being “provocative and offensive”, and has demanded for their removal immediately.
The Vatican ambassador to Zambia Nicola Girasoli has said the Catholic Church is not an enemy of governments but that it is a partner in development and social justice.
BBC World Service (audio) on the Vatican’s One Planet report calling for mankind to take ‘decisive action’ on climate change.
—Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer newspaper’s blog