May 26 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic news from home and abroad
Tough laws to crack down on sectarianism could be in place by the start of the next football season after proposals won the support of the Scottish cabinet. (See criticism in comment section below).
A new partnership is being forged between the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales and police to fight the scourge of human trafficking which is the fastest growing form of slavery today with millions of victims around the world.
The grieving mother of slain Catholic PSNI constable Ronan Kerr has said that his murder last month by dissident republicans was ‘a very personal attack.’
Mary MacKillop patronage for the Australian Diocese of Parra’s 25th anniversary. Saint with Scottish connections to be honoured.
Reformation to Revolution—a major exploration of the significance of portraiture in a period of fundamental changes in religion, leadership and nationhood in Scotland—is part of the National Galleries of Scotland’s dramatic changes to the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.
The sexual abuse of minors by clergy is ‘a wicked emergency not yet overcome, says the president of the Italian Episcopal Conference.
The Egyptian government tries to mend fences between Al Azhar and the Vatican.
Germans present Pope Benedict XVI with his own Papal crown.
Caritas Internationalis re-elects Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga as president.
Chinese youth make an appeal for WYD in Madrid.–VATICAN—Chinese-youth-make-an-appeal-for-WYD-in-Madrid
Michael Kelly: Biblical clarity a contrast with Kirk’s prevarication. Christian teaching is clear, homosexuality—at least in practice—remains incompatible with the ministry.
Michael Fry: New legislation on sectarianism smacks of a knee-jerk reaction to a diminishing problem.
—Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer newspaper’s blog