March 24 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news
Bishop military bishop says coalition must not lose sight of limits in Libya; UK launches video encouraging young Catholics to take part in World Youth Day; US President (above) visits the tomb of Archbishop Romero; US Catholics and bishops at odds over gay relationships; Germany extends statute of limitations on abuse; Elizabeth Taylor remembered and Rosary beads that talk....
Bishop Richard Moth, head of Britain’s military diocese, says coalition must not lose sight of limits in Libya.
The organisers of Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the UK launched a video campaign to encourage young people to respond to the Pope’s invitation to World Youth Day in Madrid.
Pope’s general audience video link: Christians should learn from Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, a hero of peace.
US President Barack Obama (above) visited the tomb of slain Archbishop Oscar A Romero when he visited the city’s metropolitan cathedral
Video link:
US accused of falsely stating Vatican position to win votes for resolution calling for ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ to be new categories of non-discrimination in international law.
US Catholics break with Church on gay relationships.
Germany extends statute of limitations on abuse.,,14939153,00.html
The President of the Baptist Union of N South Wales, Frank Willis, today endorsed a statement issued by Australia’s Cardinal George Pell and nine NSW Catholic bishops warning voters of the radical anti-Christian policy agenda of the NSW Greens ahead of this Saturday’s state election.
The Cuban government has freed the last two dissidents still in jail after a crackdown on opposition activists in 2003 in a deal brokered by the Catholic Church.
RIP Elizabeth Taylor, almost-Catholic
Electronic rosary talks Catholics through prayers to Mary,0,4761188.story
—Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer newspaper’s blog