February 15 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Tuesday latest news
Fr Keith Newton on conversion as an individual choice; Canonisation vote on three blessed; Meeting between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Pope Benedict XVI; UK entry in running as WYD song...
Fr Keith Newton (above left), a former Anglican bishop who was ordained as a Catholic priest last month to head the Ordinariate, has told members of an Anglo-Catholic congregation they face an individual choice whether to defect
Consistory to vote on canonisation of three blessed
The Vatican Embassy to Russia hopes that the forthcoming meeting between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Pope Benedict XVI will develop cooperation between the two states.
After protests, priests fear Egyptian youths will turn away from church
In a remarkable interfaith gesture, Carmelite nuns and well-known Hindu statesman Rajan Zed prayed together in Reno (Nevada, USA) on February 13 for the “peace and love” of humanity.
A British fertility doctor is making money by sending couples abroad to choose the sex of their unborn baby, a procedure that is illegal in Britain. Gynecologist Charles Kingsland refers at least one woman a week to a clinic in Northern Cyprus to be implanted with a sex selected embryo.
The submission by Cherrie Anderson, from the electro-pop band Ooberfuse, to the World Youth Day (WYD) 2011 global song contest has been given the thumbs up by a jury of ten young people. It is now in the race to be one of the top five songs to be sung to an audience of millions at the Madrid WYD in August.
London is to host the lighting of the Torch of St Benedict in March 2011 with ceremonies due to take place at Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral.
Benedictine monks from Ampleforth Abbey in the north of England went to Zimbabwe in 1996 at the invitation of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Benedictine monk Richard ffield talks about life at the Monastery.
Audio link http://www.oecumene.radiovaticana.org/en1/Articolo.asp?c=462203
—Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer newspaper’s blog