December 9 | 0 COMMENTS

Love is the greatest gift of them all
And you can help spread that love by creating your own ‘reverse Advent calendar’ this Christmas - Sr Roseann Reddy
‘AND the greatest of these is love.” This very familiar piece of Scripture is one of my favourite passages ever. I never tire of hearing it and it always makes me smile. Not so with lots of other Scriptural gems which, although I love them, don’t quite have the smiling effect.
For example, as regards forgiveness, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times,” or “Whatever you do to one of these little ones, you do to me,” or “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” or “Pick up your cross every day and follow me.”
You get the picture, and I hope you’ll understand why these selected verses of God’s Word don’t often bring a smile to my ageing phizog! They bring other things: a challenge, an admonition, a warning. But ‘And the greatest of these is love’ always brings a smile, because at the end of the day this one sentence encapsulates all I am and all I ever want to be.
At this wonderful and blessed time of Christmas, there is no greater reflection we can have than to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts yet again, or perhaps for the first time, to the love which came among us, born in a stable in Bethlehem. Love was born a man among us and that love continues to this very day and to eternity in the real presence of Jesus Christ tabernacled among us.
It is the greatest mystery and yet the most profound reality, that this same child born in humble circumstances 2000 years ago is present in every tabernacle in every church, in every part of the world; and he is ours.
Our King of Glory, our Lord of Lords, our Saviour and Redeemer and, most of all, our Father and our friend—is it any wonder that love, true love, makes me smile?
Hopefully among all the endless preparation that seems to be put into Christmas we will remember to make some time to pause and to really reflect upon its real meaning, and you’ll not be surprised to know that love is the reason for the season.
Perhaps, during the coming weeks, we can make a real effort in whatever our circumstances of life to do something extra to spread Christ’s love, and to acknowledge Him through our love for Him and others.
I saw a brilliant idea I want to share with you that perhaps you could do as a family, as a group of friends or even on your own. It’s a reverse Advent calendar!
So here is what you do. Instead of the usual Advent calendar where you open the window, box, envelopes or whatever, this time you prepare a box and, every day, you add something to it. When Christmas comes, you have a full box of goodies to give to someone.
It could be a box of foodstuffs suitable for a young family or older person; or a gift bag/box of toiletries for a new baby or mum; or a toilet bag full of useful things for a man or woman struggling with homelessness; or a backpack filled with suitable things for a child which could then be part of the brilliant Mary’s Meal’s backpack appeal—the list is endless. I’ve got loads of ideas and lists which I’ll happily share, so just get in touch through all the usual channels.
The most important thing about doing this little task is not just the end result of a lovely present for someone, but it’s also the opportunity to share with others what really matters to you, where your true priorities lie.
It’s a project that you can make a feature in your home, workplace, parish or even on social media. Share with people what you’re planning to do, show them your box/bag and invite them to do their own ‘calendar’ or help with yours. Get the children or grandchildren involved, make it a parish/group event.
Be enthusiastic and confident that although you’re only one person trying to do one small gesture of kindness it does make a difference to you as well as the recipient of your kindness.
Add an element of prayer into the project and it will be even better and bear even greater fruit. It doesn’t have to be complicated. The simpler the better. Every day, as you add another goody to your box, say an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the person who will be receiving your gift.
Make this the centrepiece of your Christmas preparations and then, when Boxing Day comes and you’re wondering what all the commercial fuss was about, you’ll still have the joy of making someone’s day with your kindness and love.
It really is the most wonderful gift of all to have love in your heart and in your life. Every year, I listen to many people going on about Christmas and how it’s all got out of hand, it’s far too commercial, it’s a real pressure, etc. Well, it doesn’t have to be.
Make your stand and recapture the true meaning. Refuse to be put under pressure to buy meaningless gifts. Celebrate with a lovely meal but be sure to share what you have and don’t waste food.
Take time out to give those you love what they really want, your time and attention, and do those small acts of kindness which make all the difference.
If this reverse calendar idea comes to you too late for this year, then do something else. For the last few years I’ve tried every day of Advent to do one small thing—I make an effort to contact people I neglect the rest of the year.
Write a note, send a text, make a phone call or even visit someone, it’s amazing the effect making an effort can have both on the giver and receiver. However you celebrate Christmas, I wish you and all your loved ones every blessing.