November 4 | 0 COMMENTS

Speak out now in defence of the unborn
This week’s editorial leader
The example of Caitlin Keeper is one that should inspire all of us. She was afraid, but she spoke out. She was worried what people would think of her, but she spoke out. She thought about keeping her head down, but she spoke out.
For all too many of us, it’s very easy not to speak out. Not to talk about our faith, not to voice our views when they seem to go against what’s popular.
Ms Keeper was speaking out against abortion at an SNP youth party conference, but it could easily have been any of the major political parties.
Increasingly, the idea of freedom of conscience is not taken seriously by a rising generation of political activists from all parties. Abortion is seen as fine, and that is it.
Already the Scottish Green Party makes supporting abortion part of their manifesto. Other parties will surely follow. If that happens, it will be very difficult for practising Catholics who accept the sanctity of life to stand for public office in the major parties. So we need to follow Caitlin’s example and speak out now. She found that the response was much more positive than she expected. We might well do the same.
The final document of the Paisley Synod is an honest and inventive attempt to engage with the problems facing that diocese. As it wisely notes, we have become focused on ‘saving the Church’ at the expense of preaching the Gospel.
We need to set aside out fears and carry our Faith out into the world without fear. It also notes wisely that the laity will need to do much more. This we all know, but grasping the nettle is harder than the concept. Nonetheless, there is much in this document all Catholics can learn from.