April 14 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Vatileaks II: Journalist that published the documents says that were not state secrets. (Video).
Pope Francis remembers anniversary of ‘Baptism of Poland.’
Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell (above) to debate theology and economics.
Major church investors declare support for climate change resolution at ExxonMobil AGM.
Bid to save the Gunter Mansion where Wales’ last Catholic martyr—St David Lewis—prayed to be launched.
Catholic chaplains in Ireland reject suggestions that low Mass attendance at institutes of technology measures the contribution of chaplaincies to college life.
US Vice President Biden will travel to the Vatican later this month to discuss his ‘moonshot’ effort to cure cancer.
US presidential hopeful Bernie Saunders is still hoping for an audience with Pope Francis on Vatican trip.
Video appears to show some of the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls to be alive.
US pop singer Katy Perry sets up house in $18m former Catholic convent in LA after judge’s ruling.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.