March 24 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Holy Thursday headlines
The latest and ecumenical Catholic news
Poll finds Pope Francis more popular than world political leaders.
Pope leads crowd in silent prayer for Brussels attacks victims.
Pope Francis: Do not forget persecution of Iraqi Christians.
Work begins on joint Catholic and Jewish school campus in Scotland.
Chrism Mass at Westminster Cathedral and Cardinal Nichols’s homily text.
Christian leaders want an end to cuts hitting disabled and sick people.
Christian community is considerably larger than expected.
Abuse investigation set to be Scotland’s biggest and costliest public inquiry.
The two pupils arrested from Swansea’s Bishop Vaughan RC school over ‘sensitive safeguarding issue.’
Blessed Romero’s first feast day celebrated on Holy Thursday.
Vatican to release archival material on Argentine military dictatorship.
New comic book celebrates the life of Pope Francis.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.