March 17 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires for St Patrick’s Day
The latest Catholic news
Ireland: St Patrick’s Day message from Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Pope Emeritus Benedict (above) breaks silence: Speaks of ‘deep crisis’ facing Church post-Vatican II.
A former Australian Catholic Church insider calls for subpoena for all of the church’s secret clergy abuse documents — known as the ‘red files.’
Pennsylvania in the US charges ex-leaders of Catholic order with aiding sexual predator.
US President Barack Obama to visit Havana’s cathedral.
Pakistan’s Catholic Church condemns attack against bus carrying government employees.
Malaysia appoints first ambassador to the Vatican.
Prince of Wales meets faith leaders across the Balkans.
Patrick: The saint who knew what it was like to be a slave.
Can a US Catholic in good conscience vote for Donald Trump?
Glasgow theatre to launch new season based around 1916 Easter rising.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.