December 17 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic and ecumenical news
North Korea sentences Canadian pastor Hyeon Soo Lim to life in prison.
Accused of blasphemy, Catholic family flees Islamabad, Pakistan.
Appeals for peace in South Sudan.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ask Pope Francis to apologise for Catholic Church’s role in residential schools.
Catholic diocese finds Utah, US, ‘bleeding host‘ wasn’t a miracle.
Dallas’ next auxiliary bishop in US sees ‘a new call to serve.’
Christmas message from the Anglican and Catholic Primates of Ireland.
Jerusalem Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal issues Christmas message.
Rome Lutheran pastor says Pope Francis ‘opened door’ to intercommunion.
Pope Francis gets a birthday cake from Mexican journalist.
Top 10 facts about Pope Francis today on his 79th birthday .
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.