November 20 | 0 COMMENTS

Pray for Paris, pray for peace and justice
This week’s editorial leader
Revenge and justice are not the same thing. After the terrorist atrocities in Paris last Friday, people of many faiths and of none collectively condemned the violence. Pope Francis spoke of terrorism in God’s name as ‘blasphemy.’ Here, Scotland’s Archbishops Tartaglia and Cushley have spoken out in solidarity with those impacted by events in France and Masses have been dedicated in Glasgow Archdiocese and Aberdeen Diocese to the victims and survivors of the bombings and shootings, and their families.
The allegations of links between the terrorists in Paris and Syria have left a particularly bitter and worrying taste. As Syrian refugees arrive in Scotland this week we must remember that these people are also fleeing from the same radical extremists who targeted Paris.
Terrorists aim to change our behaviour and thinking. We, as Catholics, must not forget who we are.
As well as praying for those who have lost their lives or loved ones in the attack on France, and for peace, let us also pray for justice not vengeance. And let us pray for displaced people everywhere as we welcome Syrian refugees to our country.
This week on social media some people slammed calls for prayers for Paris, suggesting religion was the cause not the solution to the problem. We must also pray for those who hold this misinformed and misguided view of faith.