November 13 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Friday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Leaders in Central African Republic seek to assure the Vatican that the Pope will be safe when he visits on November 28-29.
Vatican agencies defend themselves against ‘Vatileaks‘ charges.
Pope donates Crucifix given him by Castro to Lampedusa. Above, Holy Father with migrants on the island.
Parents must ensure Catholic schools’ ethos is maintained, says Archbishop Michael Neary.
As the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation approaches in October 2017, US Catholic and Lutheran church leaders said they are celebrating their common ground.
AoS calls for targeted effort to combat human trafficking in fishing and maritime sectors.
Being Catholic is not why I got Northern Ireland job, says football boss Michael O’Neill.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.