October 27 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Tuesday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Prominent prelates Archbishop Bruno Forte and Cardinal George Pell (above) differ sharply on synod’s final report.
Catholic bishops and cardinals from six continents call for bold climate change deal.
Pope Francis praises the heroic witness given by the late Cardinal Ján Korec under the Communist dictatorship of Czechoslovakia.
Irish travellers fire tragedy family relative William, 9, blessed by Pope at Vatican.
Scottish ministers consider St Joseph parents plan for Milngavie primary.
All earthquake-damaged heritage Catholic churches in Canterbury, New Zeland can be saved.
Spanish performer Maria Jose Santiago Medina can’t contain her emotions as she meets Pope Francis.
These nuns of ‘pop praise’ are winning hearts with their new album.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.