October 11 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Sunday headlines
The latest Catholic and inter-faith news
From the synod: Mercy is not an abandonment of Church teaching.
Working document is too negative, synod fathers say.
Pope Francis leads silent prayer for victims of Ankara bomb blasts in Turkey.
Archbishop Eamon Martin tells to synod it must broaden horizons if it wishes to speak to wider world on family.
Local parishioners are to fund raise for the victims of a blaze at a travellers’ site which claimed 10 lives in Ireland, a Catholic priest has said.
HCTP prepare for diamond jubilee celebrations.
London: First Bishop of Mongolia to celebrate World Mission Sunday.
Church of England and Vatican cricket team go head to head.
US rabbi appointed comedic advisor to Pope Francis after winning online competition.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.