September 10 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic and inter-faith news
Pope Francis to address refugee crisis in UN speech. Seen above at EU Parliament.
Vatican undecided if will fly its flag next to Palestine’s at UN.
Bishops of England and Wales statement on refugee crisis.
Leader of Canada‘s bishops writes open letter on responding to refugee crisis.
Pope discusses family issues, calls on spouses to be missionaries.
Cardinal Burke had grave reservations on the same annulment proposals Pope Francis just enshrined.
Jubilee of Mercy: St Peter’s Square will become an open-air confessional for one day.
Refugee crisis: Thank God for Germany taking responsibility—the rest of Europe appears to have forgotten the age-old lessons of history.
Saudi Arabia bans National Geographic cover about Pope Francis.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.