September 4 | 0 COMMENTS print
Jesus is our path to love and joy, take a step
This week’s editorial leader
Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me.
These words keep going round and round this week. Often the SCO reports on news that directly impacts us all. This week stories of individual courage prevail, yet we can all take something from them if we think about what they truly mean.
This week’s SCO could so easily be seen to be focused on death: The dying wish of Corinne Barber; the death of Mgr Regan after illness; the anniversary of a hospice where vital but painful and difficult end-of-life work is carried out every day… Instead the joy of Archbishop Cushley’s intervention on behalf of Ms Barber, the life of the late administrator of St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh and the loving care of the staff at St Margaret of Scotland Hospice shines through. Add to this the ‘seize the day spirit’ of Bishop John Keenan rafting for charity (above) and the joy for the Bishop’s Lenten catechesis winners meeting singer-songwriter Paulo Nutini at the weekend.
The joy of life, that is what comes through the pages of this week’s newspaper: How we live as Catholics, as families, as a community. How we work and strive and carry our load as lightly as we can, and help others carry theirs, that is what matters. For death to come there had to first be life. And while life is a gift from God it isn’t always easy to receive or fulfil. How we live that life, however, what we do with it—and what we try to do—that is ultimately what matters.
Sometimes pride gets in the way. It can stop us from asking for the help we need. Thankfully it did not stop Corinne Barber’s family. In a strange way, humility can also hold us back. Doubts such as ‘what could I have done to help anyway?’ ‘how can one person make a difference?’ are swept away in this edition by the examples of Bishop Keenan taking on a rafting challenge and SCIAF showing how the efforts of many individuals can help the greater good in its Wee Box campaign, with a focus on the campaign volunteers.
Admittedly, it takes courage to try, and to keep trying, especially if life has dealt us a few knocks. But there is joy to be found, and to be bestowed. Just as Jesus is our path to love, He is also our path to joy. But we must let Him into our lives, we must pray and give thanks. If we do others will notice and come to know Him too.
This week find the joy in life.