August 3 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Monday headlines
The latest Catholic and inter-faith news
Pope Francis has urged the faithful to look beyond material needs and turn to Jesus who is ‘the bread of life.’
Pope to hold extra general audience during Year of Mercy.
Late TV entertainer Cilla Black a Catholic, may have her funeral in the Catholic Church.
Pope blesses marriage of TV presenter Declan Donnelly and Ali Astall on Saturday in a ceremony, officiated over by Fr Dermott Donnelly, Dec’s brother.
Pregnant mother facing deportation seeks sanctuary in US Catholic mission.
Why the effort to make gay marriage sacramental won’t work.
Catholic priest who blessed atomic bombs crews—and his conversion.
New York Police Department reach extraordinary lengths to insure Pope’s safety during US visit.
Church of England warns against treating bereaved relatives as ‘portable remains.’
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.