July 23 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic and inter-faith news
Australian ‘Dr Death‘ (above) hires lawyers before Edinburgh Fringe show featuring suicide device designed for the terminally ill.
In the meeting on climate change and modern slavery, Pope Francis warns against the idolatry of technocracy.
What the Pope might be planning to tell the UN in New York.
Holy Father sends support for Day for Life in England and Wales.
Londonderry family targeted in Waterside sectarian attack.
Islamic militants training children as terrorists in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
A law is being requested in Egypt against conversions of Christian minors without parental consent.
New Jersey sculptor crafting staff for Pope’s visit to Philadelphia in the US.
Why the Catholic behind the Planned Parenthood videos in the US went undercover.
World’s ills that cause poverty need long-term solutions, says Alistair Dutton of SCIAF.
Caroline Wyatt: Is religion doing enough to root out abuse?
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.