June 30 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Tuesday headlines
The latest Catholic and ecumenical news
Westminster’s leading pro-Life MPs have made a bid to devolve abortion to Holyrood in the hope that Scotland will ‘lead the way’ on changing the 1967 law.
Pope Francis tells new archbishops: “Be true witnesses.”
Pope welcomes Orthodox delegation for feast of Sts Peter and Paul.
Speaking at UN, Cardinal Turkson stresses link between climate change and world poverty.
Tributes paid to Scottish Christian couple killed in Tunisia terrorist attack.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Wednesbury, pays tribute to Joel Richards killed in Tunisia.
Norway is claiming 4.6 million euros compensation from the Catholic Church for alleged exaggeration numbers to obtain more state aid.
Youth pilgrimage to Isle of Iona.
Will the Vatican’s new communications department prioritise new media?
Pope ‘plans to chew coca leaves during Bolivia visit.’
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.