June 26 | 0 COMMENTS

We are all tasked with doing God’s work
This week’s editorial leader
As predicted in last week’s editorial leader before Laudato Si’ was published, the morality Pope Francis’ encyclical brought to the environmental issue of global warming polarised opinion among some in the Catholic community (see page 10-11 of this week’s SCO). From Gerald Warner’s fatalistic view to Bishop Robson’s more positive reframing, however, all is proof positive that the discussion has reached a new level.
And, as the SCO said this last week, aren’t we, as Christians, obliged to try even in the unlikely event our efforts fail?
The same could be said for vocations. We can and must pray for our clergy and religious, and in that way leave everything in God’s hand. We must have Faith that He will send the shepherds, and the nuns, sisters, brothers and monks we need. We must believe that the Holy Spirit will move those who are called to the priesthood and religious life, helping them discern their vocations. However, as we highlighted last week, we all have gifts and talents to serve the Lord and do His work. And if that means giving vocations a helping hand through information and awareness campaigns, through talking to our young people about this life path and through inviting priests and religious orders from abroad to serve here in Scotland, aren’t we actually putting our talents to good use as opposed to doubting or undermining God’s plan?
There is much we don’t and probably never will fully grasp or understand in this life, but doing our very best and leaving the rest in God’s hands has always been the Catholic way. We must take responsibility for our own actions, or lack there of.
Laudato Si’ talks about preserving the planet, God’s creation, for current and future generations. That is a far greater goal and challenge than the apparent controversial concepts of climate change and global warming. The Holy Father wrote about the developed world’s hording and waste of resources as a sin, something that requires consideration when we examine our consciences.
The science behind solutions to our environmental problems may take twists and turns, but the morality of the issue is clear. In the same vein, there may be a cyclical pattern to the ebb and flow of vocations, but that does not mean praying and working for this cause isn’t still doing God’s work.
It seems it remains easier to caste dispersions on the efforts of others than staying open to change and growth. Our Faith does not change, but the circumstances we must apply it to do.