May 21 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Pope Francis: End ‘unacceptable crime’ of persecution of Christians.
Five in court over abuse claims at St Ninian’s School in Falkland.
St Bernard’s Primary School pupils in Coatbridge awarded fifth green flag.
Cardinal George Pell (above) urged to front royal commission in wake of bribe denial.
Cardinal Parolin at international conference in Rome: Ethics and morals required in economics.
LIVE this morning: Press conference about international conference on women in 2015.
Pope Francis prays for Argentina on the country’s National Day.
Catalan nuns defy Vatican to follow political calling.
London: 600 couples to celebrate their marriages in Thanksgiving Mass.
Robbie Dinwoodie: Time to toast our increasingly tolerant society.
Tibet is Communist China’s unlikely Catholic outpost.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.