April 1 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Wednesday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses after a safe containing ‘several thousand’ pounds was stolen from St Mary’s Cathedral (above).
Cardinal Nichols tells clergy as divisions deepen: Don’t go to war over family synod.
Papal bull to be issued on eve of Divine Mercy Sunday, proclaiming Holy Year of Mercy.
Vatican Appointments: Cardinal Versaldi to Congregation for Catholic Education.
Security concerns cited for Pope Francis’ visit to Sarajevo.
Holy See calls international community to protect children in war zones.
Australian police probe church fires.
Italian bishops ban the faithful from ‘saluting’ mafia bosses.
400+ Catholic and evangelical leaders in the US want to kill the death penalty.
Vatican to hold press briefing on Venice Biennale Pavilion.
There is little room for doubt on assisted suicide and Scots law.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.