January 28 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires Wednesday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Pope’s message for Lent warns of ‘globalisation of indifference.’
Leave assisted suicide to courts, peer tells MSPs.
Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham says he wishes the Church of England’s first female bishop well in her ministry.
Carmelites celebrate first priestly Ordination in York since Reformation.
Ireland: Clogher walks with Pope Francis in preparation for family synod.
Will the number of dioceses in Italy be cut in the near future?
Vatican’s synod chief presses Cardinal Kasper agenda at family meeting.
A 73-year-old Catholic woman’s journey to see Pope Francis: ‘I did not feel tired walking for miles despite my age.’
The singing detectives: Old Firm ‘rookies’ to be taught sectarian songs ahead of Celtic/Rangers football match in Glasgow.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS..