January 8 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news
The latest Catholic and interfaith headlines
Vatican, French bishops decry terror attack in Paris. Above, a distressed woman is helped by firefighters after the Charlie Hebdo magazine shootings.
Pope Francis’ telegram to Cardinal Vingt-Trois.
Cardinal Nichols says he is praying ‘with the people of France.’
Vatican sending US $3.5 million to help church response to Ebola.
Pope’s morning homily: ‘True love is not like a soap opera.’
No new Irish cardinal until at least 2019.
The mother of an Irish Catholic police officer whose family cars were attacked by dissident republicans says she bears no malice.
Fr Longenecker on being a curious Catholic.
Hollywood actress Angelina Joile Visits the Vatican to meet the Pope, hosts Unbroken screening.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.