October 23 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news
The latest Catholic headlines
Pope’s ruling pending as Chaldean Catholic Patriarch (above) suspends 10 priests after his demands they return to Iraq go ignored.
Cardinal Nichols reflects on synod on the family.
Cardinal Sarah: Crisis of today’s families is how concepts of marriage, family have changed.
Holy Father meets with mothers of Argentinian Rail Disaster victims.
African bishops oppose closing borders in fight against Ebola.
Interreligious marriage cancelled in Pakistan after threats to a young married couple.
Mediators from Catholic charity called to try to calm the unrest between Ethiopian and Eritrean migrants in Calais, France.
Pope Francis explains at general audience why the Church is the Body of Christ. (Video).
Bayern Munich: Pope praises German club after win over Roma. Video here.
Pope Francis inspires cookbook written by Swiss Guard.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.