July 22 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Tuesday breaking news
The latest Catholic headlines
Pope Francis marks Day for Life in the UK, Ireland with call to cherish life.
Stand in solidarity outside Parliament for Iraqi Christians, says ACN charity head.
Jihadists seize ancient Iraqi monastery and expel monks.
Vatican nuncio in Holy Land appeals for dialogue to end Israel-Gaza conflict.
Syria: Franciscan monastery in Yacubiyah hit by missile.
Sudan bans the construction of new churches.
Australian nun among dead on Malaysia airliner shot down over Ukraine.
Catholic school teachers in Australia strike against winding back of work conditions.
Catholic MP blasts ‘awful’ British immigration policy at J&P Conference.
Itinerary released for Pope’s visit to Caserta on Saturday.
Bishop Palmer, Pope’s Pentecostal friend, dies in motorcycle accident.
John Paul II and Gianna Beretta, patron saints of the World Meeting of Families. (Video.)
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.