June 12 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news
The latest Catholic and ecumenical headlines
Parents pay out to save independent Catholic Rutherglen school Fernhill.
Man fined £200 for anti-Catholic Facebook comment to Yes Scotland campaigner.
Scottish Episcopal Church: Referendum debate too focused on economic viability.
Mgr Keith Newton (above): Ordinariate as a ‘great ecumenical gesture.’
Pro-lifers question English/Welsh bishop’s document that appears to advise Catholics to assist ‘transgender’ people.
At general audience, Pope appears recovered from ‘indisposition.’
Pope: Fear of God reminds us we still are little children.
Pope Francis sends message to World Cup opening.
US priest shot and killed, another wounded at Catholic Church, Phoenix, Arizona.
Iraqi Christians abandon Mosul, fearful of Islamic attack on Kirkuk.
Critic slams ‘crazed claims‘ about Ireland child burials.
Polish premier says doctors must perform abortions, even against conscience.
Sudan archdiocese speaks out for condemned Catholic woman.
Italy’s Catholic bishops denounce court ruling that OK’d sperm donors.
Longtime editors depart Catholic magazine in Cuba critical of Castro.
The myth of Catholic ‘decline.’
Vatican to protect Michelangelo frescoes as Sistine Chapel visitors swell.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.