May 22 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news
The latest Catholic and ecumenical headlines
Bishops’ Day for Life message calls for the protection of the most vulnerable.
Bishops’ conference official stresses importance of EU and the and the 2014 European Parliament elections today.
George Clark has told how he would hear Christian Brothers at St Ninians School in Fife prowl dormitories at night.
Care nuns taken for granted, says Bishop Edward Daly.
Employment alone won’t resolve Welsh poverty crisis, says Cardiff archbishop.
Anglicans and Catholics in England and Wales will unite in prayer as Pope Francis visits the Christians of Bethlehem on Sunday between 3pm and 4pm (UK time).
Italian missionary, Burmese catechist to be Beatified as martyrs.
Toronto cardinal urges Liberal leader Trudeau to reconsider pro-choice edict in Canada.
Catholic school teacher in Ohio in the US refuses new archdiocese contract saying: “I simply can’t believe Jesus would require me to condemn my friends.”
Pupils pay tribute to England’s greatest scholar the Venerable Bede
Offensive Behaviour at Football Act: Two-year review must acknowledge failings.
Catholics instructed to use ‘digital smiles’ in text messages, emails, tweets and Facebook postings to spread the ‘joy of the Gospel’ online.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.