May 8 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news
The latest Catholic and ecumenical headlines
Pope Paul VI (above) is to be Beatified in October, leaving him one step from sainthood, reports strongly suggest.
Nuncio to UK urges Church to oppose assisted suicide bill.
Jewish and Muslim leaders to join Pope’s Holy Land trip.
CAFOD’s Nigerian partners have called on Catholics to pray for the freedom of more than 200 secondary school kidnapped girls in northeast Nigeria.
Westminster MPs from all parties praise Catholic schools.
30 students to benefit from Malawi-Scotland scholarship programme.
Scots urged to acknowledge contribution of forgotten revolutionary leader, Edinburgh-born James Connolly, in spite of sectarian concerns.
15000 rally in Ireland, pledge to work for repeal of abortion law.
Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) in the US is corrected by Cardinal Gerhard Muller: Pray for Conversion.
Percentage of Catholic Latinos in US down 12 per cent, Pew study finds.
But where are the female Church of England bishops? That’s what Archbishop Desmond Tutu wants to know.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.